CHAP. 359
and used by the said Methodist Protestant church,
be and is hereby vested in the said trustees herein
In force.
SEC. 3. And be, it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.
Passed March
2, 1860.
AN ACT to incorporate the Baltimore and Little
Gunpowder Falls Turnpike Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a company, be and the same
is hereby incorporated to make a Turnpike road,
beginning for the same at the limits of Baltimore
city, on the Bel-Air road, and running and occupy-
ing the bed of said road from the city limits to
Ringsville, and thence to the Little Gunpowder
Falls at Jerusalem Mills.
ers to open
SEC. 2. And Be it enacted, That for the making
of said road, subscription books shall be opened for
a capital stock of twenty thousand dollars, in shares
of twenty-five dollars each, in the city of Baltimore,
by or under the direction of all or a majority of
the following commissioners: William Clagett,
William Slater, Nicholas Gatch, Jacob Sedden,
Joseph Brook, Edward Bell, David Lee, Joseph
Dixon, J. Demmitt, William Cunningham, Jacob
T. McComas, on or before the first day of April,
eighteen hundred and sixty, and continue them
open until one hundred shares of said stock shall
be subscribed for, and until the managers of said
company are elected in the manner hereinafter
mentioned unless in the meantime the whole of the
capital stock be subscribed for.
SEC. 3. And fie it enacted, That when the said
one hundred shares of stock shall have been sub-
scribed for, the commissioners aforesaid, or a ma-
jority of them, shall give at least ten days public
notice, in on or more of the newspapers published
in Baltimore county, at the time and place fixed
by them, for the stockholders to meet for the pur-