motion of Mechanics' Arts, five hundred dollars;
for the members of the Appeal Tax Court of Bal-
timore city, one hundred and fifty dollars; for the
Register of Baltimore city, three hundred dollars;
for the Maryland Penitentiary, for payment of sal-
aries of its officers, eight thousand dollars; for
payment of the salaries of the Inspectors and their
clerks, and contingent expenses and insurance of
the State Tobacco Warehouses in Baltimore, twen-
ty-three thousand five hundred dollars; for the ap-
propriation to the House of Refuge, ten thousand
CHAP. 341.
For salary of Superintendent of Public Buildings
and Grounds, three hundred and fifty dollars; for
salary of the person to take care of public buildings
and grounds, three hundred and sixty dollars; for
salary of the night watchmen to public buildings
and grounds, four hundred and twenty dollars
each, eight hundred and forty dollars; for salary
of the person to attend the furnance, &c., of the
New Record Office, two hundred and fifty dollars;
for salary of the person to attend to the heating of
the State House, three hundred and sixty-five dol-
lars, and for salary for an assistant, two hundred
and seventy-five dollars; for payment of fuel for
the heating apparatus and Record Office, one thou-
sand two hundred dollars; for payment of the gas
used for public buildings, two thousand dollars;
for payment of the pensions granted by the acts
and resolutions of the General Assembly, five
thousand six hundred dollars; for payment of com-
missions to State's Attornies, five thousand dollars;
for distributing the Code of Public Local Laws,
one hundred and fifty dollars; for the purpose of
refurnishing the Executive Mansion, replacing the
present railing in front of the same with an iron
one, and repairing the fence around the public lot,
the same to be expended under the direction of the
Governor, two thousand dollars, and for payment
of the claim of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company, for the transportation of troops and arms
to and from Harper's Ferry, during the late Har-
per's Ferry insurrection, and for supplies of am-
munition furnished said troops, one thousand nine
hundred and thirty dollars and twenty-three cents.