CHAP. 334.
and forty-seven cents, to pay to Joseph H. Skinner
three dollars and fifteen cents, to John Schofield
fifty dollars, to pay to S. E. Sullivan eighty-two
dollars and fifty cents, to Edwin W. Duvall three
dollars and seventy-six cents, to pay to N. I. Worth-
ington two dollars and thirty cents, to pay to
George Dutton twenty-five dollars, to pay Samuel
S. Riley thirty-five dollars, to pay to N. Brewer
twenty-seven dollars and seventy-five cents, to pay
to the Annapolis Gas Light Company seven hun-
dred and ten dollars and ninety-five cents, to Thomas
Ireland four dollars and ninety cents, to George
Jacobi two hundred and thirty-four dollars and
seventy-five cents.
In force.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.
Passed March
9, 1860.
AN ACT to add the following sections to the Pub-
lic Local Laws of Baltimore city, to provide the
mode for calling out the First Light Division
Maryland Volunteers, by the Commissioners who
constitute a Board of Police for Baltimore city.
In case of
may be order-
ed out.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That in case of actual or threatened
insurrection, or actual or threatened opposition to
to the laws of this State, within the limits of the
said city, the First Light Division Maryland Vol-
unteers shall or may be ordered out by the com-
manding officer of said Division, whenever the
board of police for Baltimore city shall, in writing,
under their hands and official seal, make a requisi-
tion on said commanding officer of said Division
for the whole or any part of his command, and
therein declare that the board of police has good
reason to believe that the peace and quiet of the
State is likely to be endangered by an actual or
threatened insurrection or opposition to the laws,
and that military aid is necessary to suppress or