CHAP. 330.
number as to warrant in the judgment 6f the com-
missioners a diminution or suspension of the dona-
tion thereto, the board of commissioners may either
diminish or suspend said donation, due notice of
which shall be given to the trustees of such school
three months preceding such diminution or suspen-
of teachers.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the trustees of
each school district shall not employ as teacher any
person who shall not furnish from at least one of
the board of commissioners, a certificate that he is
a person capable of instructing thoroughly in the
elementary branches of an English education; which
shall be the standard of qualification of teachers,
and that said person is of good moral character, and
they shall report at the end of each year to the
board of school commissioners whether the teachers
in their respective employment have performed the
duties of teacher and fully made the time required
by law, to be made as a scholastic year, which time
shall be ten months unless prevented by sickness or
other unavoidable circumstances.
tion of school
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the school
commissioners shall receive as adequate compen-
sation for their services not exceeding two dol-
lars per day for each day they may be engaged in
the discharge of their duties.
Schools to
be free.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the privileges
of the schools shall be alike the property of all
citizens of said county and no special favor shall be
granted to any person on any account whatever,
and the schools shall be free to all alike.
ment of funds.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That if the presi-
dent or register of said board of commissioners of
public schools shall embezzle or wilfully misapply
any moneys subject to the order of said board, they
and each of them shall be guilty of felony, and
upon conviction thereof be punished by confinement
in the penitentiary for not less than two nor more
than five years.
Required to
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the judges of the
Orphans' court of Calvert county, be and they are
hereby directed and required to deposit in the Farm-
ers' Bank of Maryland, subject to the order of the board
of school commissioners, the balance, if any, of such
school fund as may have been received by them from
the treasurer of this State, and not distributed in