the privileges and franchises of a corporation, and
may sue and be sued, make a corporate seal and
by-laws for the regulation of said company, such
by-laws not to be Inconsistent with the laws of this
CHAP. 345.
SEC. 8, And be it enacted, That the president and
directors of said company shall manage and direct
all of its affairs and concerns, and three of the di-
rectors and the president shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of any business, and if a vacancy
occurs In the presidency, a president shall be elected
by the directors to serve until the next election by
the stockholders.
Affairs of the
company —
how managed.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said presi-
dent and directors shall have full power to make
all the contracts and acquire all the property neces-
sary for making said road, erecting toll gates and
toll houses, and may appoint a treasurer and any
other agents that may be necessary for the purposes
of said company.
Power to con-
tract and ac-
quire all ne-
nessary pro-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said presi-
dent and directors are hereby authorised to erect as
many gates on said road as may be necessary, and
charge tolls for traveling on said road, and fix the
and tolls.
rates of tolls; Provided, that the rate of tolls for
traveling on said road shall not exceed per mile,
those authorised to be charged by the Baltimore
and Fredericktown Turnpike company; and pro-
vided further, that no toll shall be charged or re-
ceived until said road has been completed, from the
intersection of the Columbia Turnpike road to a
distance of three miles.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons whatever, riding or driving any thing what-
ever, or leading the same, shall therewith pass
through any private gate or bar, or turn off said
road with the intention of avoiding the payment of
toll for passing through such gate, and all and
every person so offending, shall for every such
offence, forfeit and pay to the said president and
directors, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, to
be sued for and recovered with costs of suit, before
any justice of the peace, in like manner as debts of
similar amount may be sued for and recovered;
Forfeiture of
persons avoid-
ing payment
of tolls.
and if any toll-gatherer shall demand and know-
ingly receive any greater toll than he is authorised
to demand and receive by this act, he shall forfeit
Extortion —
penalty, &c.