CHAP. 245.
AN ACT to incorporate the Howard and Mont-
gomery Turnpike Company.
Passed March
6, 1860.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a company be incorporated to
make a turnpike road beginning at the intersec-
tion of the Columbia turnpike with the Montgom-
ery road, over the present bed of, and extending
along, the said road by Clarksville to a certain vil-
lage in Montgomery county called Unity, except at
such points where the president and directors may
deem it expedient to improve the grade or direction
of said road, in which event, the said president and
to make turn-
pike road.
directors shall have full power and authority to
make such alterations; and whenever they shall
be unable to obtain the right of way and materials
convenient and necessary to construct said road by
consent of the parties through whose land the road
may pass, to condemn the same.
Right of way,
&c. — how ob-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in case the said
company shall not be able to agree with the owner
or owners over or through whose land the said road
may be made, it shall be lawful for said company
to cause any justice of the peace of Howard county
or Montgomery county, as the case may be, to issue
his warrant to the sheriff, directing him to sum-
mon twelve impartial jurors to meet on said land
on a day to be named therein, to assess the dam-
ages sustained by said owner or owners by reason
of said road passing through such land, which in-
quisition shall be returned to the county clerk's
office, and either party shall have the right to ap-
peal to the Circuit court of Howard or Montgomery
county, as the case may be, from the verdict or
finding of said jury, within sixty days from the
date of said verdict.
In case of
&c., jury may
be summoned
to assess dam-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the subscription
books shall be opened at Clarksville and Unity on
or before the tenth day of April next, for the capi-
tal stock of said company, and that Upton Dorsey,
A. B. Davis, Wm. Clark, Wm. Brown, Charles
Carroll, Thomas Landsdale and Michael G. Dorsey
be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to
receive such subscriptions, any three of whom shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of any busi-
ers to open
books, &c.