CHAP. 10.
make the advertisements hereinbefore required, or
because of any disqualification or want of qualifica-
tion of any judge or judges of election, or any mem-.
ber of said board; Provided, however, that any
wilful failure or neglect of said board, or the said
board or the said judges to make the said advertise-
ment, or of the said board to appoint properly
qualified judges, whether in the stead of any so dis-
qualified or otherwise, shall be held and taken to
be a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable by fine
in the discretion of the court, on conviction thereof,
in a court of competent jurisdiction.
SEC. 31. And be it enacted, That the eighteenth
section of the said four article of the Code of Public
Local Law be, and the same are hereby, repealed.
In force.
SEC. 32. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the day of its passage.
Passed Feb.
14, 1860.
AN ACT entitled, an Act to amend the first,
second, third, fifth, sixth, eighth, twelfth, thir-
teenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, seventeenth, eigh-
teenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-third,
twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, thirtieth, thirty-
first, thirty-eighth, forty-fourth, forty-ninth and
fiftieth sections of the thirty-fifth Article of the
Code of General Laws, relating to Elections, so
as to exclude the City of Baltimore from the ope-
ration of said sections, except as herein provided,
and to substitute for said sections, the follow-
1st section
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the following be a substitute for the
first section of said article:
SECTION 1. The county commissioners in. each
county shall annually appoint three persons for
each election district of the county, residents of such