board to apply to the Criminal Court, or to some
justice of the peace of said city for a warrant, on
proper oath, to search the premises, and the said
court or justice shall issue the same without delay,
and shall cause the said arms, weapons and ammu-
nition, if found, to be seized and delivered to said
board, to be detained until the day after the returns
of said election shall have been made, and until the
same shall be disposed of by law.
CHAP. 9.
SEC. 28. Nothing contained in this article re-
lating to elections shall be construed to deprive the
said board of police of any police powers, or relieve
them from any obligations imposed upon them by
other sections of this article relating to the said
board of police, and prescribing their powers and
duties, but the said board of police may either car-
ry out the orders of said judges of election, or them-
selves take command and control, if they deem ne-
cessary, of the persons and officers, and assume the
conduct of the measures which may be required to
promote the purposes of the preceding sections of
this article relating to elections, and the security
of the elective franchise.
SEC. 29. The provisions of the preceding sections
of this article relating to elections shall apply to
all elections in the city of Baltimore, whether fede-
ral, State or municipal, and all elections to take
place hereafter in the city of Baltimore shall be by
ballot, and shall be held and proceed and the re-
turns thereof be made in conformity with the pro-
visions of the thirty-fifth article of the Code of
General Laws, except in so far as the same may be
modified by the provisions of this article in relation
thereto, and no election to be held in the city of
Baltimore, whether federal, State or municipal,
shall be valid, unless held under and in conformity
with the provisions of this article in relation to
elections, and under and subject to the provisions
of this article, establishing a permanent police in
the city of Baltimore, and defining and enforcing
its powers and duties, and under and subject to the
control and command as to all police purposes of
the said board of police.
Provisions of
sections— how
to apply.
SEC. 30. No election to be held under the pro-
visions of this article, and which shall be otherwise
valid, shall be held invalid, because of any failure
of the said board of police, or the said judges, to
Elections in-