CHAP. 214.
residue of the dog tax hereby imposed, after de-
ducting the constable's fees for returning said lists,
collecting said tax and killing dogs, and every
constable shall be allowed twenty-five cents for each
dog or bitch killed by him under the provisions of
the preceding sections.
SEC. 16. Any surplus that may remain on hand
of the said tax, on the first day of January in any
year, after deducting all charges hereinbefore pro-
vided for, and all sums paid for sheep killed or in-
jured by dogs, shall be paid by the county commis-
sioners to the treasurer of the board of school com-
missioners of Harford county, for the use of public
In force.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.
Passed March
9, 1860.
AN ACT entitled, an act to provide for the trans-
mission to the Circuit Court for Washington
county, of certain copies of papers and proceed-
ings in the case of Robert Gilmer vs. Brien, re-
moved from the High Court of Chancery, to the
Superior Court of Baltimore city.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General As-
sembly, that the papers and proceedings in the
case of Robert Gilmer vs. Brien, in the late High
court of Chancery have been transmitted to the
Superior court of Baltimore city, and that the
lands and premises mentioned and described in
the said proceedings lie exclusively in Washington
county, and that the titles of. many persons in said
county, owning parcels of said lands are involved
in the said proceedings which are not accessable to
them; Therefore,
Required to
copy papers,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the clerk of the Superior court
of Baltimore city, be and he is hereby directed and
required forthwith to cause to be made out under