county to which, said suit or action, issues or peti-
tion, presentment or indictment, has been removed,
to file an affidavit, as prescribed by the preceding
section, in said court to which said removal is or-
dered, suggesting that he, she or they cannot have
justice in such county, whereupon the said Circuit
court shall remove the said cause or action, issues
or petition, presentment or indictment, to such ad-
joining county as the said Circuit court shall think
will best tend to justice between the parties to said
suit or action, issues or petition, presentment or
CHAP. 159.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That it shall be in the
power and discretion of the judge, should he think
it proper, to cause a special panel of forty-eight
jurors to be selected to try any cause or causes re-
moved under the preceding sections of this act, and
that the court shall direct the clerk thereof to di-
vide by ballot said number of jurors into two
panels of petit jurors, and may take such order for
the regulating and attendance of said panels as the
said court shall see fit, and the said court may di-
rect talismen to be summoned in said cause or
causes whenever necessary.
SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That in all criminal cases
removed to the said counties, where the party or
parties accused is detained in the jail of Baltimore
city, the said party or parties so detained shall not
be removed to the said counties until the first day
of the session of the court to which said case shall
be removed.
In criminal
cases, parties
to be detained
in city jail,
SEC. 5. Be it enacted. That the judge of any of
the said Circuit courts above named, to which any
cause or causes may be removed, under the preced-
ing sections, shall allow such compensation to the
State's attorney for his services in appearing to or
trying said cause or causes, as the said judge may
deem just and proper, said allowance to be paid by
the register of the city of Baltimore, or the proper
officer, upon the certificate of the judge of the
county to which said cause or causes were removed.
tion of State's
attorneys, &c.
SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
In force.