CHAP. 133.
AN ACT to amend the twenty-fourth article of the
Code of Public General Laws, by amending the
nineteenth section relating to the recording of
deeds, and by adding to said article a new sec-
tion, to make valid acknowledgments made be-
fore commissioners.
Passed Feb.
25, 1860.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That any deed or conveyance of, or
relating to, land duty, acknowledged and required
by law, to be recorded, except deeds or conveyances
by way of mortgage, may be recorded after the time
herein prescribed, and when so recorded shall have
as against the grantor, his heirs or executors, and
against all purchasers, with notice of such deed or
conveyance, and against all creditors of such gran-
tor and his heirs, who shall become so after the
recording of such deed or conveyance, the same va-
lidity and effect as if recorded within the time
hereinbefore prescribed; this section to apply to all
deeds heretofore executed and acknowledged accord-
ing to law, whether before or after the adoption of
this Code.
Deeds of land
made valid.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That when any deed
has been acknowledged before a commissioner ap-
pointed to take the acknowledgment of deeds out
of the State, whether the commissioner had quali-
fied or not, by taking the oath and transmitting
his signature and the impression of his seal to
the Secretary of State, as required by law, the same
shall be as valid as if said commissioner had been
duly qualified, and was duly authorised to take ac-
knowledgments of deeds, and when any commis-
sioner to take acknowledgments out of this State
had only qualified and was acting as such previous
to the passage of the act of eighteen hundred and
fifty-two, chapter one hundred and six, and con-
tinued so to act without having qualified, as re-
quired by the said act, and as such commissioner
took the acknowledgment of any deed or mortgage,
such deed or mortgage shall be as valid as if the
said commissioner had been duly qualified to act at
the time of the taking such acknowledgment or
doing any other official act.
ment of deeds
taken out of
the State le-
galized, &c.