the parties so arrested, such fees as they may be
by law entitled to receive for their services; and it
shall be the duty of the officers and policemen ap-
pointed under this article to execute any warrants
or commitments which the justices employed as
aforesaid may issue to them or any of them, di-
CHAP. 7.
SEC. 18. The board shall cause a full journal of
their proceedings to be kept, and shall also cause
all their receipts and disbursements of moneys to be
faithfully entered in books to be provided for the
purpose, and said journal and all said books, and
all other documents in the possession of said board,
shall always be open to inspection by the General
Assembly of Maryland, or any committee appointed
by it for that purpose; it shall be the duty of the
board to report to the General Assembly at each
regular session, or as it may hereafter direct, the
number and expense of the police force employed
by them under this article, and all such other
matter as may be of public interest in connection
with the duties assigned to them by this article;
and a like report shall be made to the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, at each annual session
of said City Council.
Journal of
SEC. 19. Nothing in this article contained shall
be taken to destroy or diminish the liability or re-
sponsibility of the Mayor and City Council of Bal-
timore, for any failure to discharge the duties or
obligations of said corporation or any of them, the
board of police hereby created being, and they are
hereby constituted to be, authorities of the said
corporation, for all such purposes, to the same
effect as if created and appointed by or under the
said Mayor and City Council; Provided, however,
that nothing in this section shall be construed to
give to the said Mayor and City Council or any
officer of said corporation, any control over said
board or any officer or policeman appointed there-
Liability of
SEC. 20. That this act shall take effect from the
day of its passage.
In force.