CHAP. 112
Right to con-
struct tele-
graph lines.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said company
shall have the right to construct a line or lines of
wires of telegraph on any routes over which, by
their charter, they have the right to construct a
railroad, and for that purpose shall be entitled to
the benefit of all the provisions contained in the
twenty-sixth article of the Code of Public General
Laws, from section one hundred and two, to sec-
tion one hundred and twenty-one inclusive, or so
much of said provisions as may be applicable
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That in the event of
a sale or transfer of said road, the successors or pur-
chasers thereof shall be entitled to all the privileges
and subject to all the restrictions and penalties im-
posed by law on the original corporators.
Passed Feb.
25, 1860.
AN ACT to incorporate the Western Avenue
ers appointed.
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That John Swann, James Beatty, Jr.,
M. L. Woodville and Gustavus W. Lurman, be
and they are hereby appointed commissioners to
take subscription to the capital stock of the Wes-
tern Avenue Company, hereby incorporated and
they or a majority of them may cause books to be
opened at such times and places for such period or
periods and upon such notice of such times, places
and periods as they may deem expedient, and re-
open the same from time to time for the purpose of
receiving subscriptions to the same, and if any of
the commissioners shall die, resign or refuse to act,
another or others may be appointed in his or their
stead by a majority of the remaining commis-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the subscri-
bers to said stock, their successors and assigns shall
be and they are hereby declared to be incorporated
into a company by the name of the Western Avenue