CHAP. 109.
Passed Feb.
25, 1860.
AN ACT entitled, an act to repeal sections one,
two, three, four, five and six, of Article nine-
ty-seven of the Code of Public General Laws,
under the title of Wild Fowl, and to add the
following sections:
Shooting of
wild fowl.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That no person shall at any time in,
on or over the waters of the State of Maryland,
shoot at or shoot any water fowl bedded in flocks,
either upon the feeding or roosting grounds of said
water fowl, or elsewhere, from any vessel, boat,
float, canoe or any craft of any kind whatever.
over one hun-
dred yards
from shore
SEC. 2. No person shall at any time in, on or
over the waters of the State of Maryland, shoot at
or shoot any water fowl from any booby-blind or
artificial point erected at a greater distance than
one hundred yards from the natural shore, from
which the same may be extended.
SEC. 3. If any person shall violate any of the
provisions of the two preceding sections, he shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay a
fine of not less than ten nor more than one hun-
dred dollars, to be recovered by action of debt in the
name of the State, before a justice of the peace of
the county where the offence is committed or by
indictment in the Circuit court of said county.
SEC. 4. Any person aiding or abetting another
by furnishing a boat or float of any description, or
gun or ammunition to be used in violation of the
first or second sections of this article, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be dealt
with and fined as if he had violated them him-
to arrest vio-
SEC. 5. Any sheriff, constable or commissioned
militia officer of the county wherein the provisions
of this article may be violated who shall be satis-
fied either upon his own view or information re-
ceived of any other person, whether on oath or not,
that any one has violated the provisions of this
law, such officer shall be and he is hereby autho-
rised and empowered to arrest and take into cus-
tody such person so offending, and the boatmen or
other persons found on board the vessel, boat, float,