CHAP. 99.
eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-eight and eighteen hundred and
fifty-nine, and for four days attendance on the en-
grossing committee of the last House of Delegates,
by order of the Speaker; to Horace J. Gambrill,
Owen M. Taylor, George Clayton, E. V. Clayton,
D. C. Thompson, Richard Wells, George E. Gam-
brill and John Henshaw, for services rendered the
State in removing the record books, acts of Assem-
bly, deed books, judgment, decrees, &c., apper-
taining to the court of Appeals, from the Senate
chamber to the clerk's office of the court of Ap-
peals, arranging, classifying and recovering the
engrossed laws of the Provincial and State govern-
ments from sixteen hundred and thirty-eight to
present time, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, also
arranging and classifying the records, acts of As-
sembly, deeds, judgments, decrees, miscellaneous
records, &c., from the year sixteen hundred and
fifty-eight to eighteen hundred and fifty-nine; to
James Iglehart, for articles furnished for use of the
State; to Thomas A. Mitchell, for labor and mate-
rials furnished the State; to William A. Parran,
register of wills for Calvert county, for money erro-
neously paid into the treasury; to J. Wesley
White, for stationery furnished the court of Ap-
peals during the rebuilding of the State library; to
Thomas Lee, for taxes erroneously paid by him
into the treasury; Frederick C. Hyde, for money
directed to be paid him out of the library contin-
gent fund, by order of the House of Delegates,
passed March 5, 1858, which said sum has not been
paid because of the exhausting of said fund; to
John H. Freeman, collector of the second district
of Charles county, for the year eighteen hundred
and fifty-three, for amount overpaid on his collec-
tor's account, as certified to by the Comptroller;
to Leonard Hayden, collector of the third district
of Saint Mary's county, for the years eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-four and eighteen hundred and fifty-
five, for over payment made by him as collector, as
per certificate of the Comptroller.