board of police are hereby authorised to make all
such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with
this article, as they may judge necessary for the ap-
pointment, employment, uniforming, discipline,
trial and government of the police, and for the re-
lief and compensation of members of the police force
injured in person and property in the discharge of
their duty, and the families of men or officers
CHAP. 7.
killed, while in its performance; Provided, that
the allowance shall not exceed, in any one instance,
twelve months pay; the said board shall also have
power to require of any officer or policeman bond,
with sureties, where they may consider it demanded
by the public interest; all lawful rules and regula-
tions of the board shall be obeyed by the police
force, on pain of dismissal, or such lighter punish-
ment, either by suspension, fine, reduction or for-
feiture of pay, or otherwise, as the board shall ad-
SEC. 11. No officer of police or policeman shall
be allowed to receive any money, as a gratuity or
extra compensation for any services he may render,
without the consent of the said board, and all such
moneys as any policeman or officer of police may
be so permitted to receive, shall be paid over to the
said board, and together with the proceeds of all
fines, forfeitures, penalties and unclaimed proper-
ty which may come to the possession of the board,
or be recovered by them under the provisions of
this article, or any other law, shall form a fund,
which the board may apply towards the allowances
to policemen and officers of police and their fami-
lies, as hereinbefore authorised, and for extra pay
to such member of the force as by gallantry and
good conduct on extraordinary occasions, may be
judged to merit it.
Extra re-
SEC. 12. The said board shall be, and they are
hereby, authorised to provide themselves with such
offices and office furniture, and other things, and
such clerks and other subordinates as they may
need, and to have and use a common seal; they
shall divide the city into the needful number of
police districts, and provide, if necessary, in each of
them, a station house or houses, with all things
and attendants required for the same, and all such
other accommodations as may be requisite for the
police; the said board for the purpose of this arti-
cle, shall have the use of the fire alarm and police
The city to
be divided
into police
districts— full
power given
to the Board.