CHAP. 7.
ment demand; no person shall be appointed or em-
ployed either as policeman or officer of police, who
shall have been convicted of, or against whom any
indictment may be pending for any offence, the
punishment of which may be confinement in the
Penitentiary; and among the necessary qualifica-
tions for such appointment and employment, shall
be citizenship of the United States, ability to read
and write, good character and physical strength and
courage; Provided also, that no Black Republican
or endorser or approver of the Helper Book, shall
be appointed to any office under said board; the
policemen shall be employed to serve five years,
and be subject to removal only for cause, after a
hearing by the board, who are hereby invested
with exclusive jurisdiction in the premises; any
policeman whose term of service shall expire, and
who during his employment shall have faithfully
performed his duty shall if otherwise qualified, be
preferred by the board in making their new ap-
Officers of
SEC. 7. The officers of police shall be as follows:
one marshal of police, one deputy marshal, eight
captains, eight lieutenants, twenty-four sergeants,
and eight turnkeys, they shall be appointed by
the board for such times as the board shall deter-
mine, and be subject to removal by the board for
Salary of or-
dinary police-
SEC. 8. The pay of the ordinary policeman shall
be ten dollars a week, payable semi-monthly, and
in case the board shall appoint detective policemen,
which they may do to the number of live, the de-
tective shall receive the like sum payable semi-
Salary of the
officers of po-
SEC. 9. The officers of police shall be paid semi-
monthly, and their pay shall be as follows: the
marshal shall receive. fifteen hundred dollars a year,
the deputy marshall, one thousand dollars a year,
each captain, thirteen dollars a week, each lieu-
tenant, eleven dollars and fifty cents a week, each
sergeant, ten dollars and fifty cents a week, and
each turnkey, eight dollars and fifty cents a
Vacancies —
how filled.
SEC. 10. Whenever a vacancy shall take place in
any grade of officers (except the marshal and depu-
ty marshal) it shall be filled from the next lowest
grade, if competent men can be found therein; the