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Session Laws, 1950
Volume 587, Page 482   View pdf image (33K)
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of Maryland and the State of Delaware to determine the
necessity and the cost of restoring the monuments which
define said boundaries.

WHEREAS, the boundary between the State of Maryland and
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is defined by a series of
monuments erected at one-mile intervals on the line surveyed
by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon during the interval
1763 to 1768; and

WHEREAS, the original mouments on said line were subse-
quently lost, defaced or obliterated, requiring said line and
said boundary to be resurveyed and remarked during the
period 1901 to 1903; and

WHEREAS, numerous monuments erected or restored on said
boundary during the period 1901 to 1903 have again been lost,
defaced or obliterated so that the boundary between the
State of Maryland and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
is again in part obscure and in part unknown; and

WHEREAS, the monuments marking the boundary between
the State of Maryland and the State of Delaware have like-
wise been lost, defaced or obliterated so that this boundary
is likewise obscure; and

WHEREAS, indistinct or undefined boundaries between the
State of Maryland and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
and between the State of Maryland and the State of Dela-
ware confuse the rights, privileges and obligations of public
officials and private citizens near said boundaries; now,
therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Board of Natural Resources and its associated Departments
be and they are hereby requested to make a preliminary sur-
vey of the boundaries between the State of Maryland and the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and between the State of
Maryland and the State of Delaware to determine the neces-
sity and the cost of restoring the monuments and re-establish-
ing said boundaries; and, be it further

Resolved, That the Governor and the Board of Public
Works be and they are hereby authorized and requested to
provide from the Emergency Fund of the State a sum suf-
ficient for the aforesaid preliminary survey; and, be it further

Resolved, That the Board of Natural Resources and its as-
sociated Departments be and they are hereby requested to


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Session Laws, 1950
Volume 587, Page 482   View pdf image (33K)
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