out of funds already appropriated or to be appropriated, such
sums as will be sufficient for the necessary expenses of said
Approved March 28, 1950.
No. 3
(Senate Joint Resolution 7)
Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to appoint a Com-
mission to investigate and study the matter of the inspec-
tion of motor vehicles.
WHEREAS, Sections 242 to 246, both inclusive, of Article
66 1/2 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1947 Supp.) make
provision for the inspection of motor vehicles under certain
conditions, and
WHEREAS, in recent months there has been considerable
discussion of that subject, both in the public press and other-
wise, and
WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to study the question of
motor vehicle inspections thoroughly before attempting to
amend the laws of Maryland relating thereto, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor be and he is hereby requested to appoint a Com-
mission of nine (9) persons, consisting of the Commissioner
of Motor Vehicles, the Superintendent of Maryland State
Police, the Chief Engineer of the State of Maryland, a mem-
ber of the Automobile Trade Association, and such other per-
sons as the Governor may select, to investigate and study the
matter of the inspection of motor vehicles, and to submit its
report and recommendations to the Governor and Legislative
Council on or before October 1, 1950, and to the General As-
sembly at its next regular session.
Approved March 28, 1950.
No. 4
(Senate Joint Resolution 8)
Joint Resolution requesting the Board of Natural Resources
and its associated Departments to make a preliminary sur-
vey of the boundaries between the State of Maryland and
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and between the State