tersection with the road through The Sands; thence continu-
ing with the County Road to Riva, easterly, 2.1 miles to the
center line intersection with Maryland State Route 424;
thence still with the center line of the County Road to Riva,
in an easterly direction, 2.6 miles to the center line inter-
section with the County Road from Riva to Davidsonville;
thence continuing with the County Road to Riva, in an east-
erly direction, 1.4 miles to the south abutment of the Riva
Bridge crossing the South River; thence leaving the center
line of said County Road and running across the waters of
South River, in an easterly direction, 0.7 miles to a point in
the middle of the South river, opposite the northernmost
point of Edgewater Beach; thence with the approximate
middle of the river, 6.3 miles to the place of beginning.
Excepting from the above description the Sixth District,
which is entirely within the boundaries of the above descrip-
tion and does not touch any of the borders of the Second
Description of District No. 3, A. A. Co., Md.
(c) Beginning for the same at a point on the Anne Arundel
County-Queen Anne County line, said point being at the end
of the second line mentioned in the description of District
No. 2; and running from thence and with the outlines of
District No. 2, in a northwesterly direction, 3.2 miles to a
point located on a line drawn from Greenbury Point to Tolly
Point, 0.6 miles from Greenbury Point; said point being
where the mouth of the Severn River enters the Chesapeake
Bay; Ihence with the approximate middle of the river, in a
northwesterly direction, 6.4 miles to a point on a line drawn
from Arnold Point to Brewer Point, 0.2 miles from Arnold
Point; thence in a westerly course, 1.9 miles to a point on a
line drawn between the southernmost point of St. Helena's
Island and the easternmost point of land at the mouth of
Manderes Creek, 0.2 miles from the southernmost point of
St. Helena's Island; thence on a True North course, 0.5
miles; thence due East, 1.3 miles to the middle of the Severn
River; thence with the middle of the river, in a northwesterly
direction, and up Severn Run, 5.8 miles to where the middle
of Severn Run intersects the center line of the Generals
Highway; thence with the same in a northerly and north-
westerly direction, 4.3 miles to where the center line of the
Generals Highway (U. S. Route 301) intersects the center
line of an old County Road leading from Ferndale to Ben-
field; thence with the center line of said old road, in a north-
westerly direction, 1.65 miles to where it intersects the center
line of the road leading from Fourth Avenue, South, Glen