property of the Laurel Sanitarium, the same being the South-
erly boundary of the said Fairlawn subdivision, running
thence along the Southerly boundary of the said Fairlaivn sub-
division in a Westerly direction to the Southwesterly corner
thereof, thence running in a Northerly direction along the
Westerly boundary of the said Fairlawn subdivision to the
Northwesterly corner of the said Fairlawn subdivision, thence
in an Easterly direction along the Northerly boundary of the
said Fairlawn subdivision and bounding a portion of the
present Southerly border of the said Town of Laurel to the
place of beginning, the said property containing all of the
property included in the said Fairlawn subdivision as the
same is recorded and described among the land records of
Prince George's County, Maryland; and the said new area
as added to the Town of Laurel shall be hereafter known and
called the "Fairlawn" District of the Town of Laurel.
(2) All of the territory hereby annexed to the Town of
Laurel shall after the date of the passage of this act be sub-
ject to all laws, ordinances and regulations of the Mayor and
City Council of the Town of Laurel. Provided, however, that
the land now taxed as acreage included in this extension of
boundaries shall be service free and tax free until the time
the said acreage is subdivided and assessed by the County as
individual lots.
852-B (1) Fifty-one per cent (51%) of the property owners,
within said district, may petition the Mayor and City Council
for the construction or operation of improvements or muni-
cipal functions to be made or carried on within the boundaries
of the subdivision or property hereby added to and included
within the said Town. The Mayor and City Council shall ad-
vertise in some newspaper published in the Town of Laurel
once in each of three successive weeks, giving notice in said
advertisement that on a day and place to be named therein,
not later than one month from the date of the first insertion
therein, a public hearing shall be held. After which the
Mayor and City Council may, if they deem such improve-
ments a public convenience or necessity, by proper ordinance
or resolution determine to construct, operate or maintain
said public improvements or municipal functions, provided,
the whole cost thereof, including all incidental costs, shall be
levied against the property within the said district which
shall be known as "Fairlawn" district of said Town; pro-
vided, further, that any part of said improvement district
may, upon the petition of property owners representing fifty-
one per cent (51%) of the front footage affected, have new
streets, gutters, curbing and sidewalks constructed, repaired
or reconstructed, and water and sewer lines extended in said
streets. Payment of the cost of the construction, reconstruc-
tion, maintenance or repair of streets, gutters, curbing or