traditional communist methods referred to above, and in
accordance with, carefully conceived plans, already caused the
establishment in numerous foreign countries, against the will
of the people of those countries, of ruthless communist totali-
tarian dictatorships, and threatens to establish similar dicta-
torships in still other countries; and
WHEREAS, the recent successes of communist methods in
other countries and the nature and control of the world com-
munist movement itself present a clear and present danger
to the security of the United States and the State of Mary-
land, and the other States which form this Union, and to the
existence of free American institutions and makes it necessary
that Congress and the General Assembly of Maryland and
the Legislatures of other States enact appropriate legislation
recognizing the existence of such world-wide conspiracy and
designed to prevent it from accomplishing its purposes in the
United States; and
WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Maryland, at its regular
session in the year 1947, passed a law proposing an amend-
ment to Article XV of the Constitution of Maryland prohibit-
ing any person who is a member of an organization which ad-
vocates the overthrow of the government of the United States
or of the State of Maryland, through force or violence, from
any position of profit or trust in the government of the State
of Maryland or in the government of any political subdivision
of the State, and said proposed constitutional amendment
will be submitted to the qualified voters of the State for
adoption at the election to be held in November of this year;
WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Maryland is desirous
that the Governor appoint a Committee to study, investigate
and report the need for other and further legislation for the
protection of the democratic principles and ideals of this
State and for the exposure and expurgation of subversive
and other illegal activities in the State of Maryland; now,
therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Governor be and he hereby is authorized
and directed to appoint, on or before July 1, 1948, a Com-
mittee to be known as the Committee on Subversive Activities,
said Committee to be composed of three members of the
Senate,to be designated by the President of the Senate, three
members of the House of Delegates, to be, designated by the
Speaker of the House of Delegates, and five residents and
citizens of the State of Maryland, to be designated by the
Governor, and that one of said eleven members shall be
designated by the Governor to serve as Chairman of said
Committee; and be it further