Public Local Laws of Maryland and Baltimore City Charter
(1938 Edition), title "Baltimore City", sub-titles "Criers,
Bailiffs, Watchmen and Stenographers", and "Jurors", as said
sections were amended by Chapter 668 of the Acts of 1945,
be and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:
495. The Judges of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
are authorized and directed to appoint from time to time as
many court stenographers, not exceeding in number alto-
gether the number of said judges, as shall in their discretion
be required for the services of the several courts of Baltimore
City, who shall be sworn officers of the court, and shall each
be paid a salary of Four Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty
Dollars ($4,550) per annum when such stenographers shall
be required to attend the courts regularly, or twelve dollars
per diem for each day of actual employment when he shall be
appointed to attend only when his services shall be specially
required by the judges; the said salaries to be paid in like
manner as the salaries of the other officers of the courts are
now paid, as prescribed in Section 488. Every official court
stenographer of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, in-
cluding the stenographer assigned to the Grand Jury, who
after having served twenty-five preceding consecutive years,
shall attain the age of sixty-five years while in office, or
have become physically or mentally incapacitated from per-
forming the duties of court stenographer from ailments or
accidents not resulting from any own misconduct, shall be
entitled to retirement with a salary of fl,000 per an-
num, payable as other official stenographers7 salaries are
now paid, provided that such retirement shall be evidenced
by a satisfactory certificate approved by the Supreme Bench
of Baltimore City, directed to the Comptroller of the City of
Baltimore, advising him of the retirement of the stenogra-
pher, and that said retirement is in accord with the pro-
visions of this section.
690. Upon the organization of each grand jury, as provided
for in the preceding section, and upon their request therefor,
signified to the judge or judges for the time being especially
assigned to and sitting in the Criminal Court of the said
city, the said judge or judges may and they are hereby au-
thorized and empowered to appoint a clerk, who shall be a
competent stenographer, at a compensation not exceeding the
rate of Four Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars
($4,550) per annum, to be paid by the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore, which said clerk shall have authority to take
and transcribe the testimony given before any grand jury
in said City of Baltimore, and whenever required by the
State's Attorney, shall attend upon and take and transcribe
the testimony given at coroner's inquests, and all of the said