that may arise within, between or among any of the said sub-
departments. The said Chief Engineer shall have power to
call together for consultation, whenever he deems it advisable,
any or all of the sub-departments, including not only the heads
thereof, but any of the employees thereof. Upon request of
any sub-department, or any other party in interest, he shall
call together any officials or employees under his jurisdiction,
to discuss and give their opinions upon any engineering ques-
tion that may arise or be presented for his determination, and
in the event of any controversy between or among any of the
sub-departments, he shall give opportunity to both sides to be
heard before himself and the executive officers of the Depart-
ment of Public Works, except that no representative of a sub-
department involved in the matter to be heard shall sit in said
cause, and provided further, that the recommendations of said
Board in any such matter shall be advisory only, and shall in
no manner affect the final authority or decision herein com-
mitted to the Chief Engineer.
The Chief Engineer shall have power and 'it shall be his
duty to coordinate the functions and operations of the sub-
departments constituting the Department of Public Works,
to the end that all unnecessary waste and duplication of effort
may be eliminated. He shall see to it that no sub-department
unnecessarily maintains duplicate equipment or personnel for
work which should be centralized in one bureau and is em-
powered to centralize any such unnecessary duplication of
work or personnel in one or more sub-departments for the pur-
pose of eliminating such duplication and likewise shall have
power to assign and re-assign equipment from the custody of
one sub-department to another sub-department, as he may
deem expedient.
The Chief Engineer of Baltimore County shall have super-
vision over all engineering questions and over all matters con-
cerned or connected with any and every public improvement in
Baltimore County or elsewhere, made by the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore County or any department, office, board,
commission or agency thereof, and all plans and specifications
of such public improvements shall be submitted to the said
Chief Engineer and be subject to his approval.
The Chief Engineer of Baltimore County shall perform such
additional duties as may be required of him by the County
Commissioners of Baltimore County and said County Com-
missioners shall have full and complete authority to reverse,
alter or amend in any way, any decision of the Chief Engineer
of Baltimore County.
The Chief Engineer of Baltimore County shall have power
to assign and re-assign to and take from the sub-departments
of the Department of Public Works the performance of any