compliance with all rules and regulations of the County Com-
missioners of Baltimore County adopted under the authority
of Section 6'5 of this Act, and shall perform such other duties
as may be prescribed by law or by the County Commissioners
aforesaid not inconsistent with this Act. The Building Inspec-
tors of Baltimore County shall, under the direction of the
Buildings Engineer, perform such duties as he may require
of them in connection with the building laws, rules or regula-
tions of Baltimore County.
67. It shall be the duty of the Buildings Engineer of Balti-
more County to provide for the inspection and visiting of all
theatres, hotels, public halls, night clubs, taverns, manufactur-
ing establishments, restaurants, churches, school houses, places
of amusement, and also any and all other buildings open to
and/or used for public assemblages, gatherings, or the congre-
gation in any manner of members of the public, whether any
of said hereinbefore enumerated buildings were erected prior
to or after the passage of this Act, for the purpose of ascer-
taining if said buildings have the proper means of exit in case
of fire or panic. If, on examination, it shall be determined by
the Buildings Engineer that any of said buildings as herein
enumerated have not the proper means of exit in case of fire
or panic, then the Buildings Engineer shall notify in writing
the owners, trustees, lessees, tenants or occupants of said
buildings as herein enumerated, so to improve and correct the
same as to provide the proper means of exit in case of fire or
panic as the Buildings Engineer may deem proper and neces-
sary. Any person, firm or corporation who shall fail to comply
with the aforesaid notice within ten days of the date of said
notice, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof, shall be fined not less than $100. 00, and in addition,
$25. 00 per day for each and every day that said building is
kept open after ten days from the date of the notice herein
provided for, and shall be subject to injunction by the Circuit
Court for Baltimore County, in equity, as prescribed in Sec
tion 65 thereof. It shall be the duty of the School Commis-
sioners of Baltimore County to comply with all the building
regulations adopted by the County Commissioners under the
provisions of this Act; and in the event of the failure of said
School Commissioners to comply with the provisions of this
Act, the County Commissioners shall have the power to con-
tract for the doing of such work and shall deduct the cost
thereof from the amount levied for the support of schools of
the county.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That Section 68 of Article
3 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edi-