gallons per day for each inmate thereof. For the purposes
of this Section, a charitable institution is herein defined to
be one whose object is primarily eleemosynary.
The Commission shall collect its usual water rates, includ-
ing a meter service charge, from all State, County or Munici-
pal buildings used in part or whole for municipal purposes
in both Counties in the Sanitary District except Volunteer
Fire Departments recognized by the County Commissioners
of the respective Counties, notwithstanding any law or ordi-
nance to the contrary.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1943.
Approved May 4, 1943.
(House Bill 430)
AN ACT to authorize the Washington Suburban Sanitary
Commission to establish and maintain a storm water or
surface drainage system within the Washington Suburban
Sanitary District, and to provide for the levying and collect-
ing of the necessary charges for the construction and main-
tenance of such system.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted "by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission is
hereby authorized, when in its judgment it is deemed ex-
pedient or necessary to plan, design, construct, maintain, and
operate a system for the control and disposition of surface
waters within the limits of the Washington Suburban Sani-
tary District, and for such purpose, said Commission is given
all of the power and authority, including the right to condemn,
heretofore given it by law, in the construction and operation
of its water and sewer system, and the right and authority to
negotiate with any public agency and to make contracts with
such agency, including the Government of the United States
or any bureau or department thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it farther enacted. That the said Com-
mission shall prepare, as soon as it deems it expedient, a com-
prehensive general plan for the control and disposition of
surface waters within the limits of the Sanitary District, and
shall thereupon divide said District into drainage areas or
districts determined, as near as may be, by topography or the