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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 504   View pdf image (33K)
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752. Whenever any lessor shall desire to have again and
repossess any premises to which he is entitled under the pro-
visions of the preceding section, he, or his duly qualified agent
or attorney, shall make his written complaint under oath or
affirmation, in the People's Court of Baltimore City, and de-
scribing therein in general terms the property sought to be had
again and repossessed as aforesaid, and also setting forth the
name of the tenant to whom the same is rented, or his assignee
or under tenant or tenants, with the amount of rent thereon
due and unpaid; and praying by warrant to have again and
repossess the premises, together with judgment for the amount
of rent due and costs; and it shall thereupon be the duty of
said People's Court of Baltimore City forthwith to issue
summons, directed to a constable of said Court, ordering him
to notify said tenant, assignee or under tenant forthwith to
appear before the said People's Court at trial to be held on
the second day after the filing of said complaint, except as
hereinafter provided, to show cause why the prayer of said
lessor should not be granted as aforesaid, and the said con-
stable shall forthwith proceed to serve said summons upon
said tenant, assignee or under tenant in said premises, or upon
his or their known or authorized agent, but if for any reason,
neither said tenant, assignee or under tenant, nor his or their
agent can be found, then said constable shall affix an attested
copy of said summons conspicuously upon said premises, and
such affixing of said summons shall, for the purposes of this
sub-division of this Article, be deemed and construed a suffi-
cient service upon all persons whomsoever.

752A. The Judges of the People's Court may by rule pro-
vide for the service of summons in cases brought in said Court
under the provisions of the preceding paragraph hereof by
registered mail with return receipt. Where service is by regis-
tered mail, the clerk shall enclose the summons in an envelope
addressed to the defendant, prepay the postage and mail the
same forthwith, noting on the records the day and hour of
mailing. Such receipt when returned shall be attached by the
clerk to the original complaint and shall constitute prima facie
evidence of service upon the defendant. If such receipt is not
returned within such time as shall be prescribed by rule, per-
sonal service of such summons shall be made by constable upon
said tenant, assignee or under tenant in said premises, or upon
his or their known or authorized agent, but if for any reason
neither said tenant, assignee or under tenant, nor his or their
agent can be found, then said constable shall affix an attested
copy of said summons conspicuously upon said premises, and
such affixing of said summons shall, for the purposes of this
sub-division of this Article, be deemed and construed a suf-
ficient service upon all persons whomsoever. Any such regis-


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Session Laws, 1943
Volume 584, Page 504   View pdf image (33K)
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