in duty and unprecedented in responsibility—a fateful moment
when men meet destiny for the fulfillment of historic tasks.
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all
peoples of the earth should now be united in a commonwealth
of nations to be known as The Federation of the World, and to
that end it hereby endorses the Declaration of the Federation of
the World as if specifically set forth in the preamble hereof,
and makes said Declaration a part of this Resolution in the
same manner as if same were recited herein, and requests the
Senators and Members of the House of Representatives in Con-
gress from the State of Maryland to support and vote for a
Resolution in the Congress of the United States, approving the
principle of World Federation and requesting the President of
the United States to initiate the procedure necessary to formu-
late a Constitution for The Federation of the World, which
shall be submitted to each nation for its ratification; and, be it
Resolved, That, in the opinion of the General Assembly of
Maryland, there should be selected a territory for the seat of
government for the Federation of the World, and that the na-
tion in which the said territory is located be requested to with-
draw its jurisdiction over this area and cede it to The Federa-
tion of the World for its Capital with all the prerogatives and
attributes of sovereignty, in order that there might be built in
this area a City symbolic of world unity, adequate for the needs
of the nations and worthy of the aspirations and destiny of man-
kind; and, be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State of Maryland be and
he is hereby directed to send, under the Great Seal of the State
of Maryland, copies of this Resolution to the President of the
United States, the President of the United States Senate, to the
Speaker of the House of Representatives of Congress and to
each member in the United States Congress from the State of
Approved March 11, 1943.
MX 2.
(House Joint Resolution 9)
A Joint Resolution requesting the Secretary of War to rebuild
the bridge across the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, at
Chesapeake City.