1806 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 1006
before 1. 30 P. M. or between the hours of 6 P. M. and 8. 30 P. M.
on Sundays. The work or employment of any operator, ticket
seller, or other employee, or attendant, in connection with
such exhibition shall not be unlawful because performed on
Sunday within the corporate limits of the said Frederick
560B. Any person violating any of the provisions of Sec-
tion 560A shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than
Five Dollars ($5. 00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars
3. 00) for each and every such violation.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That, upon the filing in
the office of the Supervisors of Elections of Frederick City at
least thirty days prior to any regular municipal election of a
petition, directed to said Supervisors, containing the signa-
tures of legal voters of Frederick City in number of not less
than 25% of the total votes cast in said City at the last pre-
ceding municipal election therein, to submit this Act to the
voters of said City, said Act shall be submitted to the legally
qualified voters of Frederick City for adoption or rejection.
There shall be printed on the ballots to be used at said election,
the title of this Act and underneath said title, on separate
lines, a square or box to the right of and opposite the words
"For Motion Pictures on Sunday", and a corresponding square
or box to the right of and opposite the words "Against Motion
Pictures on Sunday77, so that the voters shall be able to desig-
nate by a cross-mark in the proper square or box his or her
decision for or against said question. If a majority of the
votes cast thereon shall be "For Motion Pictures on Sunday",
this Act shall become effective immediately, but, if a majority
of the votes cast thereon shall be "Against Motion Pictures on
Sunday", then this Act shall be null and void and of no effect
This Act may be submitted in like manner at any regular
municipal election on the filing of a similar petition as herein-
before prescribed, and if such petition be filed more than six
months before a regular municipal election, the Supervisors of
Elections shall immediately notify the Mayor and Aldermen
of said City of such petition and it shall be the duty of said
Mayor and Aldermen to call a special election to be held
within sixty days after the filing of said petition. The ballots
to be used at any regular municipal election or special election
shall be in the form hereinabove prescribed. If a majority of
the votes cast thereon at said election shall be "For Motion
Pictures on Sunday", then this Act shall become effective imme-
diately or shall continue in effect, as the case may be, but if a
majority of votes cast thereon at such election shall be