tion was enacted by Chapter 746 of the Acts of 1941, be
and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments,
to read as follows:
471-A. (1) For the purpose of and as used in this sec-
tion, the term "garbage" shall mean the entrails or waste
products of any animal, fish or fowl, refuse animal or vege-
table matter from a kitchen, market, store, or abbatoir, or
any admixture of these materials with other refuse or feed-
ing material.
(2) No garbage shall be transported over any public
highway or street of Prince George's County except to
incinerators, approved municipal dumps, in said County,
or to destinations outside the limits of Prince George's
County, or to farms in Prince George's County for the use
in the feeding of hogs, and no garbage shall be fed to hogs
except in concrete or other water-tight containers, the feed
containers to be washed and cleaned at least once in every
twenty-four hours, and no such feeding place shall be locat-
ed closer than 2, 000 feet of any residence, except the
residence of the owner or tenant on such farm
where feeding places are established, public highway
or public building. Any residue in these containers for
feeding purposes, and not devoured by the hogs, shall be
disposed of by incineration, plowing under or burial within
twenty-four hours after any one feeding.
(3) All garbage transported over any public highway or
street of Prince George's County to incinerators, approved
municipal dumps, or to destinations outside the limits of
Prince George's County, shall be transported only in ve-
hicles equipped with covered water-tight, leak-proof bodies,
or in metal containers with tight-fitting covers. The County
Health Officer shall have the power and authority to license
the vehicles that are used for the purpose of hauling the
said garbage, and each operator shall pay an annual license
fee of Twenty-five ($25. 00) Dollars for each vehicle used,
the revenues from such licenses to be retained by the County
Health officer to defray the cost of inspection service for
the enforcement of this Section.
(4) Any person violating the provisions of this section
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon convic-
tion thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and,
upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not
less than five dollars ($5. 00) nor more than fifty dollars
($50. 00), or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a
period not exceeding thirty (80) days, or may be both fined
and imprisoned in the discretion of the Court.