interest coupons attached, all as may be provided by or
under the authority of such ordinance, and said certificates
of indebtedness when issued shall bear interest at such rate
or rates as may be provided by or under the authority of
such ordinance or ordinances, not exceeding, however, five
per centum per annum. If said certificates of indebtedness
are issued in series maturing at stated periods, and a por-
tion of the principal is made payable annually, the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore shall annually raise by taxa-
tion the amount of money required to meet the interest
and the portion of the principal payable in each year. If
said certificates of indebtedness are not issued in series,
any premiums realized above the par value of the whole
amount of said certificates of indebtedness shall constitute
a part of the sinking fund created for the purpose of pay-
ing the loan herein authorized. If said certificates of in-
debtedness are issued in series, the net premiums result-
ing from the sale of the entire loan shall be placed to the
credit of any existing sinking funds established for the
payment of any loans of the Mayor and City Council of
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That any ordinance
of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore submitted to
the legal voters of Baltimore City under the authority of
this Act, shall provide for the entire issue of certificates
of indebtedness herein authorized, or any part thereof, and
shall further provide for the expenditure of the proceeds
thereof in accordance with the provisions of the Charter
of Baltimore, and by the municipal agency designated in
the annual ordinances of estimates of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore.
Approved April 30, 1943.
(Senate Bill 462)
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 4 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland and Charter of Balti-
more City (1938 Edition), title "Baltimore City", sub-
title "Examining Engineers", said new section to be
known as Section 517A and to follow immediately after
Section 517 of said Article, authorizing the Board of
Examining Engineers to issue special certificates for
the operation of low pressure heating plants.