the residue of the term for which he was originally elected.
Upon his appointment or designation as a member of the
Court of Appeals from his Appellate Judicial Circuit, such
additional Judge shall cease to be the Chief Judge of his
Circuit. The Judges of the Court of Appeals shall be
elected by the qualified voters of their respective Appellate
Judicial Circuits, their terms to begin on the date of their
qualification. One of the judges of the Court of Appeals
shall be designated by the Governor as the Chief Judge. The
jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals shall be co-extensive
with the limits of the State and such as now is or may here-
after be prescribed by law. It shall hold its sessions in
the City of Annapolis on the second 'Monday in January
in the year 1945, and thereafter at such time or times as
it shall from time to time by rule prescribe. Its session or
sessions shall continue not less than ten months in each
year, if the business before it shall so. require, and it shall
be competent for the judges temporarily to transfer their
sittings elsewhere upon sufficient cause. The salary of
each judge of the Court of Appeals shall be that now or
hereafter prescribed by the General Assembly and shall
not be diminished during his continuance in office. When
the number of judges shall have become reduced to five,
three of the judges shall constitute a quorum, and the con-
currence of a majority of a quorum shall be sufficient for
the decision of any cause.
Sec. ISA. The Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals
shall be the administrative head of the judicial system of
the State. He shall from time to time require, from each
of the judges of the Circuit Courts for the several counties
and of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, reports as to
the judicial work and business of each of the judges and
their respective courts. He may, in case of a vacancy or
of illness, disqualification or other absence of one or more
judges of the Court of Appeals, designate any judge of
any of the Circuit Courts for the counties or of the Su-
preme Bench of Baltimore City to sit in any case or for a
specified period as a judge of the Court of Appeals in lieu
of a judge of that court, and may designate, to sit as a
judge of the Circuit Court for any county or of any Court
or Courts of Baltimore City, either alone or with one or
more other judges, in any case or for a specified period,
any judge of the Court of Appeals or of any other Circuit
Court or of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City. In the
absence of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals the
provisions of this Section shall be applicable to the senior
judge present. The powers of the Chief Judge under the
aforegoing provisions of this section shall be subject to