consisting of Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, Caroline, Talbot,
Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset Counties;
one from the Second Appellate Judicial Circuit, consisting
of Harford, Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Prince George's,
Charles, Calvert and St. Mary's Counties; and one from the
Third Appellate Judicial Circuit, consisting of Carroll, How-
ard, Montgomery, Frederick, Washington, Allegany and
Garrett Counties; and during the continuance in office of
Judges who were in office before January 1, 1945, not ex-
ceeding three additional Judges. The City of Baltimore
shall, for the purposes of this section, be designated as the
Fourth Appellate Judicial Circuit. The additional Judge
from the Fourth Appellate Judicial Circuit shall be ap-
pointed by the Governor to serve until the election and
qualification of his successor, as provided by Section 5 of
this Article. Except as to such. additional Judge/the Judges
of said Court, in the first instance, shall be appointed by
the Governor from their respective appellate Judicial Cir-
cuits but such appointments shall be made from among the
elected Judges composing the Court of Appeals as of De-
cember 31, 1944. If, on December 31, 1944, there are no
elected members of the Court of Appeals from any Appel-
late Judicial Circuit, the Governor shall designate the mem-
ber of the Court of Appeals from that Appellate Judicial
Circuit from among the appointed members of the Court
of Appeals from that Appellate Judicial Circuit. If any
Judge so appointed shall be a member of the Court of Ap-
peals as of December 31, 1944, by virtue of having been
elected to that office, his appointment shall be for the bal-
ance of the term for which he had theretofore been elected.
The Judges so appointed from the First, Second and Third
Appellate Judicial Circuits shall cease to be Chief Judges
of their respective Circuits. Any elected Judges from
Circuits, except the Eighth Circuit, in office on December
31, 1944, other than the three designated by the Governor
as Judges of the Court of Appeals, shall be additional
Judges of the Court of Appeals and shall continue to be
Chief Judges of their respective Circuits and shall hold
office for the residue of the terms for which they were
elected. No successor to any such additional Judge shall be
appointed or elected as Judge of the Court of Appeals or
(except as. provided in Section 21 of this Article1) as Judge
of his Circuit, but any such additional Judge shall be eligi-
ble to appointment as the member of the Court of Appeals
from his respective Appellate Judicial Circuit. Any vacancy
in any Appellate Judicial Circuit shall be filled by designa-
tion by the Governor of one of the additional Judges from
such Appellate Judicial Circuit, if any, to hold office for