taxable property, of any hospitals, factories, or charitable
institutions located within the corporate limits of said
town, but any ordinance, resolution or contract which ex-
empts any such property, for a period longer than five
years, shall be absolutely void in all respects whatever.
52. (I1) The Mayor and Council of Brunswick are here-
by authorized and empowered whenever, in their judgment,
the public interests or convenience require it, to provide
by ordinance for the grading, paving, curbing and sewer-
ing, or for the grading or paving, or curbing or sewering,
and for the regrading, repaving, recurbing and resewering,
or for the regrading, or repaving, or recurbing, or resewer-
ing in such manner, at such time and with such material
as they shall see fit, of any street or streets, lane or lanes,
alley or alleys, or any portion thereof, in the town of Bruns-
wick, now condemned, ceded, opened as a public highway,
or which may be hereafter condemned, ceded, opened, wid-
ened, straightened or altered according to the laws and
ordinances relating to the same; and also for assessing the
cost of any such work in whole or in part upon the prop-
erty binding upon such street or streets, lane or lanes, alley
or alleys, or part thereof, according to such rule or basis
as they may determine, and for collecting said assessment
as other town taxes are collected, or in such manner as
may be prescribed by ordinance of the Mayor and Council
of Brunswick, either before or after the work shall have
been done; provided, that before the passage by the Mayor
and Council of Brunswick of any ordinance requiring the
whole or any portion of the costs to be assessed upon the
property, ten days' notice shall be given by the Mayor in
some newspaper published in said town, notifying all per-
sons interested to appear, and giving them the opportunity
to be heard before the Council at such time as shall be pro-
vided in said notice; and the Mayor and Council of Bruns-
wick are hereby authorized and empowered to provide by
ordinance for the appointment of a committee of the Coun-
cil, or such other person or persons as they shall appoint,
not exceeding three, who shall act as Commissioner, or
Commissioners to determine the amount of assessment to
be made upon any such property under the provisions con-
tained in this Act; and the ordinance or ordinances passed
in pursuance thereof, and after the Commissioner or Com-
missioners so appointed shall have completed their appor-
tionment of the expenses to be assessed on the property
binding on said street or streets, lane or lanes, alley or
alleys, or portions thereof, they shall give notice by adver-