personal property, the town clerk and treasurer shall pay
all costs and expenses incident to such sale, and the taxes
in arrears thereon, together with interest, and the surplus,
if any, he shall pay over to such delinquent taxpayer. This
section to be construed as an addition to, and not as a sub-
stitution for, the powers of the town clerk and treasurer
to collect taxes assessed upon personal property by suit;
and it is hereby expressly provided that said town clerk
' and treasurer, if he deem such course advisable, may pro-
ceed to collect any and all taxes due upon such personal
property by suit, in the name of the Mayor and Council of
Brunswick, before any justice of the peace, in and for said
county, or in the circuit court for said county.
48. The said Mayor and Council are authorized to ac-
quire by purchase from the owner or owners thereof any
real or leasehold estate, improved or unimproved, right of
way, easement, water right or water course, which they
may deem expedient or necessary to purchase and hold for
the purpose of building sewers and drains, or for the pur-
pose of constructing and operating a general sewerage and
drainage system of said town, or for the purpose of carry-
ing out or exercising any of the privileges and powers
granted said Mayor and Council by law, and if the said
Mayor and Council cannot agree with the owner or owners,
or if any of them be absent from the State or unknown,
or without legal capacity to contract, by reason of infancy,
coverture, insanity or otherwise, it shall be lawful for said.
Mayor and Council to acquire by condemnation any such
real or leasehold estate, improved or unimproved, right of
way, easement, water right or water course, in the same
manner and by the same proceedings as are now provided
in condemnation by corporation under Article 33A of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland.
49. (1) The said Mayor and Council of Brunswick are
hereby authorized to agree for the purchase, lease and
rental with the owners of any real estate, right of way,
easement, water right, spring, brook, water or water course
as aforesaid, earth, timber, stone, or other material which
they may deem expedient or necessary to purchase or hold,
for the purpose of introducing tan additional supply of
water into or improving the present supply of water in the
town of Brunswick.