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Session Laws, 1950, (Special Session 2), House and Senate Journals
Volume 583, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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of Delegates to hear the Governor's address and proposing a joint
committee of five, three on the part of the House and two on the
part of the Senate, to notify the Governor of the joint session and
to escort him to the Chamber of the House of Delegates, and we
concur therein.

We have named on the part of the Senate, Senators Davis and

By order :


Which was read, assented to, and sent to the House of Delegates.

By Senator Balch:

Be it ordered by the Senate of Maryland, That in recognition and
appreciation of the long and valuable services of the Honorable
L. Harold Sothoron as a member of the House of Delegates and of
the Maryland Senate, the gavel now being used by the President of
the Senate be presented to the Honorable L. Harold Sothoron,
President of the Senate.

Which was read and adopted.


Senate Resolution No. 1—By the President:

A Senate Resolution commending Captain Menash E. Katz.

WHEREAS, Menash E. Katz, Captain of the Maryland State De-
partment of Police, has attended the present and many preceding
sessions of the General Assembly and has, at all times, been most
helpful to the members of the Senate; and

WHEREAS, Captain Katz has been in the service of the State
Police since 1922 and all his promotions have been earned through
merit, efficiency and application to the performance of his duties;

WHEREAS, Captain Katz has performed the duties assigned to
him, whether on active duty as a member of the State Police or in
connection with his duties while attending the sessions of the
General Assembly, in a most effective and courteous manner; there-
fore, be it

Resolved 'by the Senate of Maryland, That the members of the
Senate do hereby express their appreciation for the many services
and courtesies rendered by Captain Katz; and be it further


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Session Laws, 1950, (Special Session 2), House and Senate Journals
Volume 583, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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