election in the six preceding calendar years shall be tran-
scribed on new registration books to be provided by the
Board of Supervisors of Elections of St. Mary's County,
with the approval and consent of the County Commission-
ers of St. Mary's County, both as to the procurement of the
new books and the manner in which the names are to be
transcribed, subject to the provisions of Sections 62A and
The work of transcribing the names of said persons to
the new books shall be done under the supervision and
direction of the said Supervisors of Elections by persons
of intelligence who write a clear legible hand, easy to read,
or in the event that said books are rewritten on a type-
writer, indelible ribbon must be used, and the machines
must be operated by persons who are skilled in the opera-
tion thereof, one-half of whom shall be selected from each
of the two leading political parties of the County. The
persons so selected and the compensation they are to
receive must be approved by the County Commissioners
of St. Mary's County, and the work of transcribing said
names to the new books must be completed by January 1st,
in any year preceding an election.
In the case of persons who are registered on the present
registration books, who have not voted at least once at a
primary, general or special election in the six calendar
years preceding the recopying of such books, the Super-
visors of Elections shall send them a notice to the address
given on said registration books notifying them that their
names will not appear on the new registration book, and
warning them it will be necessary for them to appear
before the Board of Registry in the precinct in which they
reside on one of the regular registration days and register
in order to be entitled to vote, and the notice so sent by
the Supervisors shall take the place of a transfer in the
event that any such person does not at the time of apply-
ing for registration, live in the precinct in which he or
she was formerly registered; but before sending said
notices said Supervisors of Elections shall publish for three
consecutive weeks in all the newspapers published in St.
Mary's County, proper notice showing the intent and pur-
pose of said notices.
62B. After the new registration books are prepared in
accordance with the provisions of Section 62A, it shall be
the duty of the Board of Registry in each precinct of St.
Mary's County when it sits as a Board of Review, as pro-
vided under the provisions of this Article, to strike from
the registration books of the respective precincts the
names of all persons registered on said books who have