(Senate Bill 463)
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 77 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1935 Supplement), title "Pub-
lic Education", sub-title "Teachers' Retirement System",
said new section to be known as Section 107, to follow
immediately after Section 106A, providing for the par-
ticipation of members of the faculty of Morgan State
College in the State Teachers' Retirement System.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section be and the same is hereby
added to Article 77 of the Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland (1935 Supplement), title "Public Education",
sub-title "Teachers' Retirement System", said new section
to be known as Section 107, to follow immediately after
Section 106A of said article and to read as follows:
107. Should the Board of Trustees of Morgan State
College elect, by resolution, approved by the Board of Trus-
tees of the Retirement System, to have the members of the
faculty of such institution, hereinafter called the faculty,
eligible for participation in the retirement system, the
Trustees of the retirement system shall set a date subse-
quent thereto, as of which date participation may begin
for members of the faculty in service on such date, and
after which participation shall be required of new entrants
in positions on the faculty of such College. Any member
of the faculty as of such date, or who was a member dur-
ing the year next preceding, who elects to become a member
of the retirement system within the first year next follow-
ing, shall file a statement of service prior to such date and
be credited for such service as prior service in a manner
similar to that provided in Section 95 of this article, for
teachers entitled to prior service credit. Members of the
faculty entering the service after such date shall be credited
with service in a manner similar to the credit accorded
to other teachers entering the membership of the retire-
ment system. After such date set for participation, mem-
bers of the faculty of the College shall be considered in all
other respects as to contributions by them and benefits
payable to them, or on their account, as if they were teach-
ers employed in a public school. The actuary of the retire-
ment system shall determine under the provisions of Sub-
section (3) of Section 99 of this Article a special "accrued
liability contribution" sufficient to cover the accrued liabil-
ity on account of such members of the faculty for any
service rendered before the date of participation, with
which they are credited, and such contribution, subject to