necessary to provide for the payment of the salaries, fees,
expenses and costs made by this Act payable by the said
Mayor and Council of Hagerstown.
g. The Magistrate herein provided for, shall at the
first regular meeting of the County Commissioners of
Washington County held in each month, make a report in
writing, verified under oath, of all criminal and Juvenile
Cases heard or tried before him during the preceding
month, except corporation cases of the City of Hagerstown,
which report shall state in each case the name of the De-
fendant, the offense charged, the name of the person upon
whose complaint the warrant was issued, the number of wit-
nesses summoned, the name of the Officer serving the war-
rants and summons, the judgment rendered, the amount of
the fine or penalty imposed, the amount of costs taxed and
the amount of fine, penalty and costs collected by him;
and all such fines, penalties and costs, including Constable's
fees, which said Justice is hereby required to collect, shall
at the time of his making such report, be paid to the order
of said County Commissioners.
h. Records, forms.
The court shall maintain records of all cases brought
before it. Such records shall be open only by order of the
Court to persons having a legitimate interest. The Court
shall devise and cause to be printed such forms for records
and such other papers as may be required.
573. Constitutionality.
If any section, sub-division, or clause of this act shall
be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision
shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of
the act.
574. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this
act shall be construed to affect the compensation of the
present Magistrate for Juvenile Cases, Probation Officer
or Clerk during their present terms of office, ending May
5, 1941.
575. And be it further enacted, That all General or
Local Laws or parts of such laws now in force inconsistent
herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed to the ex-
tent of such inconsistency.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act is an
emergency law and necessary for the immediate preserva-
tion of public health and safety and having been passed by
a yea and nay vote by three-fifths of all the members