right, pending his appeal, to deposit with the Magistrate
a sum in cash double the amount of fine imposed as col-
lateral security for his appearance in the Circuit Court
for Washington County on said appeal. Provided, that,
no appeal shall be allowed under this section after pay-
ment of the fine, but deposit of cash as such collateral
surety in double the amount of the fine, shall not be con-
strued to be a payment of the fine.
e. The County Commissioners of Washington County
shall provide a suitable room or rooms in the Court House
in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the use of said Magistrate,
and shall provide said Magistrate with a suitable book or
docket to be styled the "Juvenile Docket", and with such
other suitable books or dockets for criminal cases, forms
and petitions, orders and papers and such other stationery
and office equipment, including a telephone, as may be
necessary for the proper conduct of said office and which
the said Magistrate may deem requisite for the proper and
convenient discharge of his duties under this Act, the cost
of such to be paid by the County Commissioners of said
Washington County, and to be charged to the item of
Court expenses.
f. The Mayor and City Council of Hagerstown shall
furnish said Magistrate with a copy of the charter and
ordinances of Hagerstown, and shall supply him with
copies of all new ordinances of said Hagerstown within one
day after the adoption thereof, and shall notify him of the
repeal of any ordinance within one day thereafter; and the
said Mayor and Council of Hagerstown shall supply said
Magistrate with all dockets for corporation cases and with
the necessary stationery and office equipment used by
him in the business of said town. The said Magistrate
shall record in the corporation docket his proceedings in
all such cases, setting forth the) fines or imprisonment im-
posed and the amount of the costs, and he shall submit
said docket to the inspection of any person who may re-
quest to see the same. It shall be the duty of the said
Magistrate to make out a summarized statement of all
corporation cases tried before him, with the fines and
costs therein collected, which statement shall be sworn to
and submitted monthly to the Mayor and Council. Upon
the request of the Mayor and Council, the said Magistrate
shall produce his docket and may be placed under oath
and interrogated as to the entries therein. The said Mag-
istrate shall pay over to the Tax Collector of Hagerstown
quarterly all fines collected by him which may belong to
said town. The Mayor and Council of Hagerstown are
hereby authorized to make all levies and appropriations