113. He shall have bound the laws, journals and docu-
ments of the General Assembly and shall distribute and
forward the same when bound, under the direction of the
governor, to the persons entitled by law to receive the
same, that is to say: to the governor of the State of Mary-
land one copy of each; to the comptroller, treasurer, com-
missioner of the land office, each one copy of the laws; to
the court of appeals one copy of the laws for the office of
the clerk and one copy for each judge; to the library of
Congress eight copies of the laws and two copies of the
journals and documents; to the Department of Legislative
Reference two copies of each for the use of the Department
and forty-eight copies of the laws and twenty-eight copies
of the Code of Public General Laws for exchange with
other States; to the Enoch Pratt Free Library of Balti-
more City two copies of each; to the executive department
of each State and Territory of the Union one copy of the
laws, documents and journals; to the Board of Correction
one copy of the laws; to the mayor and city council of Bal-
timore two copies of the laws; to the chief judge and each
of the associate judges of the supreme bench of Baltimore
City one copy of the laws; to the clerk of the Superior Court
of Baltimore City, the clerk of the court of common pleas,
the clerk of the circuit courts of Baltimore City, the clerk
of the criminal court of Baltimore, and the clerk of the
Baltimore City court one copy of the laws for the use of
their respective offices and one copy of the journals and
documents for the inspection of the citizens; to the register
of wills of Baltimore City one copy of the laws; for each
judge of the orphans' court one copy of the laws and one
copy for the office; one copy of the laws for each Police
Justice, each Judge of the People's Court, and each Justice
of the Peace assigned to the Traffic Court and Juvenile
Court in and for the city of Baltimore; to the clerks of the
Circuit courts for the several counties one copy of the laws
for office use and one copy of the journals and documents
for the inspection of the citizens; to each of the associate
judges of the several judicial circuits, except the eighth
circuit, one copy of the laws; one copy of the laws, jour-
nals and documents for each member of the general assem-
bly; one copy for the office of the county commissioners;
and one copy for each justice of the peace Trial Magis-
trate, substitute Magistrate and Juvenile Court Magistrate
in and for their respective counties; the said copies to be
delivered by the clerks. of the circuit courts and the clerks
of the Baltimore City court. The remaining volumes of the
Session Laws, journals and1 documents, including copies of
the Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, depos-