daily attendance of two hundred or more, shall receive
$400 per school year more than the foregoing schedule
requires; the principal of an elementary school with nine
or more assistants and with a daily average attendance
of three hundred and sixty or more, shall receive $600 per
school year more than the foregoing schedule requires; a
teacher in charge of a Second Group High School shall
receive $200 per school year more than the foregoing
schedule requires.
The salary of a teacher holding a second grade certifi-
cate shall be $850; and the salary of a teacher holding a
third grade certificate shall be $650 per school year.
The principal of a First Group High School, with from
one to four assistants shall receive $1, 650 per school year
for the first and second years of teaching service; $1, 750
for the third and fourth years of teaching service; $1, 850
for the fifth and sixth years of teaching service; $1, 950
for the seventh and eighth years of teaching service; $2, 050
for the ninth and tenth years of teaching service; $2, 150
for the eleventh and twelfth years of teaching service;
$2, 250 for the thirteenth and fourteenth years of teaching
service; $2, 350 for the fifteenth and sixteenth years of
teaching service and $2, 450 for the seventeenth and each
succeeding year of teaching service. A principal of a
First Group High School with from five to eight assistants
and with an average daily attendance of not less than one
hundred and less than two hundred, shall receive $200 per
school year more than the foregoing schedule requires;,
and the principal of a First Group High School with nine
or more assistants, and with an average daily attendance
of two hundred or more shall receive $400 per school year
more than the foregoing schedule requires.
The salary of a teacher or principal holding a provisional
certificate shall be $200 less per school year than that
required for a teacher or principal holding a regular cer-
tificate for the same grade.
The County Board of Education of any county may, in
its discretion, pay to teachers and principals annual sal-
aries in excess of the salaries provided for in this section,,
but the State shall not share in the payment of any such
excess salaries.
The County Commissioners of each county shall levy
sufficient funds to meet the schedule of salaries herein
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That Sections 194
and 195 of Article 77 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1939 Edition), title "Public Education',, sub-title "Chapter