land shall receive salaries less than the amounts pro-
vided for in the following schedule for varying amounts
of training and successful experience; provided that
teachers and principals having eight years' or less
experience prior to the effective date of this schedule shall
receive the salary in the new schedule corresponding with
their years of experience, and teachers and principals
having more than eight years' experience prior to
the effective date of this schedule shall receive only one
salary increment for experience in any two-year budgetary
period; but no teacher or principal whose certificate is
rated by the county superintendent as second class, as pro-
vided in Section 91 of Article 77, shall receive any salary
increment based on experience. No teacher, without
degree, holding a regular first grade or higher certifi-
cate, shall receive a salary of less than $1, 000 per school
year during the first and second years of service; $1, 050
per school year for the third and fourth years of service;
$1, 100 per school year for the fifth and sixth years of ser-
vice; $1, 150 per school year for the seventh and eighth
years of service; $1, 250 per school year for the ninth and
tenth years of service; $1, 350 per school year for the
eleventh and twelfth years of service; $1, 450 per school
year for the thirteenth and fourteenth years of service;
$1, 550 per school year for the fifteenth and sixteenth years
of service; and $1, 60. 0 per school year for the seventeenth
and each succeeding year of service thereafter.
No teacher, with degree, holding regular first grade
or higher certificate) shall receive a salary less than
$1, 200 per school year for the first and second years of
service; $1, 250 per school year for the third and fourth
years of service; $1, 300 per school year for the fifth and
sixth years of service; $. 1, 300 per school year for the fifth
and sixth years of service; $1, 350 per school year for the
seventh and eighth years of service; $1, 450 per school year
for the ninth and tenth years of service; $1, 550 per school
year for the eleventh and twelfth years of service; $1, 650
per school year for the thirteenth and fourteenth years of
. service; $1, 750 per school year for the fifteenth and six-
teenth years of service; and $1, 800 per school year for the
. seventeenth and each succeeding year of service there-
after. Any such teacher haying charge of a two teacher
elementary school, shall receive $100 per school year more
than the foregoing schedule requires. A principal of an
elementary school, with from two to four assistants, shall
receive $200 per school year more than the foregoing
. schedule requires; the principal of an elementary school,
with from five to eight assistants and with an average