ment shall forthwith be taken to a Department station lo-
cated in the same county as the jail to which he was sen-
tenced and he shall be confined to the premises of the
station until such time as he may be returned to the county
jail. It shall be the duty of the Department to provide for
the guarding, transportation, lodging, feeding, clothing and
medical care of all persons so held by it. While in the cus-
tody of the Department, such persons shall be employed,
without compensation, in performing such services in and
about the station as the Superintendent may prescribe,
including cleaning, cooking and repair and maintenance
work; provided, however, that no services shall be re-
quired or permitted by the Department to be performed
for the benefit of any private person or persons but the
same shall be performed only with respect to property used,
or persons engaged, in the lawful activities of the Depart-
In the event no lodging facilities are available for any
person so transferred to the custody of the Department, he
shall be returned to the county jail for lodging overnight.
In any event, the Department may return any person to the
county jail at any time and it shall always return any such
person not later than the day preceding that on which his
sentence terminates. It shall be the duty of the wardens or
other persons in charge of the county jails to transfer to
the custody of the Department any prisoners designated
by the sheriffs of the respective counties pursuant to this
section and to accept custody of prisoners returned by the
Department at any time. Any prisoner escaping or at-
tempting to escape from the custody of the Department
shall be subject to the same penalties which may be by law
provided for prisoners escaping or attempting to escape
from the county jail to which he had been sentenced.
None of the provisions of this section shall apply to per-
sons sentenced to the Baltimore City Jail.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1941.
Approved April 28, 1941.
(Senate Bill 306)
AN ACT to exempt the railroad property of the Washing-
ton, Brandywine and Point Look Out Railroad Company,
or so much thereof as may be used for railroad purposes