and one-half times the number of registered voters in each
Ward and said ballots shall be of different colors for each
of the political parties and shall contain the names of can-
didates, arranged alphabetically, for the office of Mayor
and the office of Councilman according to the surnames of
candidates. Said ballot shall contain also the number of
the Ward in which said primary election is being held. Bal-
lots in all said primary elections shall be cast, counted and
canvassed and the result of the election announced and
certified in the City of Hagerstown as now provided by
the General Election Laws of the State of Maryland; and
said primary elections shall be held and conducted and
determined in the manner and form provided by the Gen-
eral Election Laws, aforesaid, in so far as the same are or
may be applicable to said primary elections and except as
may be herein provided. And the provisions of the general
election law, governing election contests, are hereby ex-
pressly declared to be applicable to such primary elections.
Challengers and watchers representing the candidates in
any said primary elections shall be allowed to be present at
the several voting places during the voting and counting
of the ballots, as provided in this Article with respect to
general elections. As each voter's name shall be entered in
the poll book kept by the two clerks of election, there shall
be entered opposite his name the names of the party whose
candidate or candidates he voted for. If more names are
marked for any office than there are persons to be voted
for, such ballots shall not be counted for such candidate.
285B. The Mayor and City Council of Hagerstown shall
cause to be maintained a registration of the legal voters in
the City wards and precincts of said City, and the general
registration heretofore made shall, together with such
additions, changes and alterations, as may have been made
in accordance with the law in force at the time of said
registration, and together with such additions, changes
and alterations as may be, or become necessary, constitute
such registration; said registration shall be corrected in
the manner provided in the General Registration Law of
the State, and shall specify the residence of the voter in
each street, lane or alley, and such registration shall be
essential to the right of voting at any primary or general
election for the office of Mayor and Councilman, but shall
not be conclusive evidence of such right to vote; all appli-
cants for registration must be citizens of the State of Mary-
land, and resident in the territory of the City of Hagers-
town as set forth in this Act and in the ward in which he
offers to vote of six months. The Election Supervisors of
the City of Hagerstown shall on or before the first Monday