14. It shall be the duty of said boards of supervisors to
appoint the place of registration and also the polling place in
each precinct of their county or city and to cause the same
to be fitted up, warmed, lighted and cleaned. The places for
registration and polling shall in all cases be upon the ground
floor of a building, the entrance to which is from the highway
or from a public street at least forty feet wide if in the City
of Baltimore and at least twenty-five feet wide if in the coun-
ties, in a room facing on said street or highway and shall be
as near the center of the voting population of the precinct and
as convenient to the greatest number of voters as is prac-
ticable, and in no case shall a registration or election be held
in any building, or part of the building, used or occupied as a
saloon, dramshop, poolroom, billiard hall or bowling alley, or
communicating therewith by doors or hallways. If no suit-
able place is found the supervisors shall provide one. Pro-
vided, however, that, after the year 1940, no places of registra-
tion shall be provided in the respective precincts of Baltimore
City and Washington County, but all the work of registra-
tion, transfers, etc., shall be conducted in the office of the
Board of Supervisors of Elections of said City and Washing-
ton County. In Allegany County during the hours of balloting
in any election the illumination on the shelf in each voting
booth shall be not less than five-foot-candles of light, and shall
be by electricity where available. The Board of Supervisors
of Elections of Allegany County shall carry out and enforce
this provision.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted) That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1941.
Approved May 6, 1941.
(House Bill 453)
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 33 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Elections", sub-title
"Registration", said new section to be known as Section 53A,
and to follow immediately after Section 53 of said Article,
relating to the the issuance and use of certificates of regis-
tration where original registration forms are missing on
the day of any primary or general election, and providing
for the filling out and signing of new original registration