and sixty and no (00) one-hundredths (560. 00) feet, and,
south eighty-five (85) degrees fifty-nine (59) minutes thirty
(30) seconds west five hundred and forty-two and no (00) one-
hundredths (542. 00) feet to the middle of the road leading
from Bel Air to Rock Spring Church, and running thence with
the middle of the last named road, south ten (10) degrees nine-
teen (19) minutes thirty (30) seconds east sixty and no (00)
one-hundredths (60. 00) feet, and thence leaving the middle of
the Rock Spring Road and running with the middle of the road
which leads past the Rockdale Mills to White House, south
eighty-five (85) degrees no (00) minutes thirty (30) seconds
west eleven hundred and seventy-seven and forty-six one-hun-
dredths (1177. 46) feet to an iron spike set in the middle of the
said road, and thence leaving the middle of the said road and
running with the dividing line between the lands of Philip H.
Close and John A. Evans, south three (3) degrees forty-seven
(47) minutes thirty (30) seconds west five hundred and forty-
one one-hundredths (500. 41) feet to a stake set at the corner of
the lands of the said Close and of the said Evans, and thence
running with what was formerly the dividing line between the
lands of Richard Dallam and of Philip H. Close, south thirty-
one (31) degrees thirty-three (33) minutes thirty (30) seconds
east fifteen hundred and seventy-five and no (00) one-hun-
dredths (1575. 00) feet to the center of a large chestnut tree,
which was formerly a corner of the Dallam lands, the Close
lands and of the Fulford lands, and which is now a corner of
the Addicks land, of the Warner land and of the lands of
Alexander M. Fulford, and thence running through the Ful-
ford lands, south thirty-seven (37) degrees fifty-six (56)
minutes thirty (30) seconds east nine hundred and fifty and
seventy-seven one-hundredths (950. 77) feet to a slate slab here-
tofore set at the northeast corner of the lands of Doctor H. A.
Kelly and at the northwest corner of that sub-division known
as "Richardson's Addition to the Town of Bel Air", and thence
with a line of Doctor Kelly's land, south thirty-three (33) de-
grees four (04) minutes no (00) seconds east six hundred and
eight and thirty-six one-hundredths (608. 36) feet to a piece of
iron pipe now set at the northeast corner of a lot of land
owned and occupied by R. H. Lee and Brother, and thence
running with the north end of the said Lee lot and extending
the same through and across the Kelly lands, south fifty-eight
(58) degrees forty-seven (47) minutes thirty (30) seconds
west one hundred and ninety-six and three one-hundredths
(196. 03) feet to a stake set in Doctor Kelly's field, and thence
running through the Kelly land and crossing Gordon Street Ex-
tended, south thirty-two (32) degrees twenty-four (24) minutes
thirty (30) seconds east three hundred and twenty-six and five
one-hundredths (326. 05) feet to a post on the south side of