58M, and 58N, to follow immediately after Section 58 of
said Article; providing for the creation, powers and duties
of a Maryland State Guard.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new sub-title and 14 new sections be added to
Article 65 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition),
title "Militia", said new sub-title to read "Maryland State
Guard", and said new sections to be known as Sections 58A,
58B, 580, 58D, 58E, 58F, 58G, 58H, 58-1, 58J, 58K, 58L,
58M and 58N, to follow immediately after Section 58 of said
Article, and to read as follows:
58A. Authority and Name. Whenever any part of the
National Guard of this State is in active Federal service, the
Governor is hereby authorized to organize and maintain with-
in this State during such period, under such regulations as the
Secretary of War of the United States may prescribe for
discipline in training, such military forces as the Governor
may deem necessary; and the Governor is authorized to reduce
the number of or disband such forces at any time he deems
proper. Such forces shall be composed of officers commis-
sioned or assigned, and such able-bodied male citizens of the
State as shall volunteer for service therein. Such forces
shall be additional to and distinct from the National Guard
and shall be known as the Maryland State Guard. Such forces
shall be uniformed as the Governor may prescribe.
58B. Organization; Rules and Regulations. The Governor
is hereby authorized to prescribe rules and regulations not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act governing the
enlistment, organization, administration, equipment, mainte-
nance, training and discipline of such forces: Provided, how-
ever such rules and regulations, in so far as he deems prac-
ticable and desirable, shall conform to existing law governing
and pertaining to the National Guard and the rules and regu-
lations promulgated thereunder, and shall prohibit the ac-
ceptance of gifts, donations, gratuities or anything of value
by such forces or by any member of such forces from any in-
dividual, firm, association, or corporation by reason of such
58C. Pay and Allowances. When members of the Mary-
land State Guard are ordered to active duty by the Governor,
or by his authority, they shall receive the pay specified in
Section 32 of Article 65 of the Code (1939 Edition) for officers
and enlisted men of the organized militia.
58D. Requisitions: Armories: Other Buildings. For the
use of such forces, the Governor is hereby authorized to requi-