have the same right of appeal now allowed from registers
of voters of this State; and on the third Tuesday in April
annually thereafter the register of voters appointed, as
above set forth, shall sit to register new voters who may
apply, and be properly qualified, and to revise the regis-
tration list of said town, and notice of said sitting shall
be given by the Burgess ten days before the same, and the
president of the Board of Commissioners shall deliver the
registration book in his charge to the said register eight
days before said sitting, and the register shall go over the
said book and make out a list from his own knowledge or
on information from any citizen of the town, of those
whose names are on the said book who are dead or shall
have removed from the said town, or shall otherwise be-
come disqualified, and shall five days before said sitting
mail a notice at the postoffice of said town to each of said
voters on said list thus made out, excepting those who are
dead, warning them to be and appear before him at said
sitting, and if they fail to appear at said sitting and he is
satisfied by such information that he has received they are
not qualified to vote at the next corporation election, or if
they appear and, after a hearing of the proper evidence,
he is satisfied they are not qualified to vote at the next
corporation election, he shall strike their names off the list
of qualified voters of the town; but any voter disqualified
by him shall have the right of appeal as now allowed by
law from the action. of any register of voters of this State;
and on the close of the said sitting the said register shall
sign his name in said book under each letter immediately
under the last name registered at said sitting, and on the
following day he shall return the said register book to the
president of the Board of Commissioners.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1941.
Approved February 14, 1941.
(Senate Bill 38)
AN ACT to add a new sub-title and 14 new sections to Arti-
cle 65 of the Annotated Code, of Maryland (1939 Edition),
title "Militia", said new sub-title to read "Maryland State
Guard", and said new sections to be known as Sections 58A,
58B, 58C, 58D, 58E, 58F, 58G, 58H, 58-I, 58J, 58K, 58L,