309. No earth pits or cesspools or other means for the
disposal of human sewage other than the water-tight
boxes or other water-tight receptacles specified in the preced-
ing section shall be constructed in any part of Baltimore
County within three hundred yards of the source of any pub-
lic or private water supply, excepting upon a permit issued
by the county or district health officer; provided, that any
persons who shall have a private water supply upon his own
property and who shall have maintained such water supply
previous to the construction of any cesspool, or other recep-
tacle or contrivance, or earth pit which he may allege to have
polluted his water supply, may make application to the
County Health Officer for an investigation to determine if his
water supply is polluted or may become polluted by the said
earth pit, cesspool, or other receptacle or contrivance. If upon
such investigation such private water supply shall be found to
be polluted or likely to become polluted by said cesspool, earth
pit, or other receptacle or contrivance, the County Health
Officer shall order the use of such cesspool, earth pit, or other
receptacle or contrivance discontinued. Any person refusing
or neglecting to obey such order of the County Health Officer
shall be liable to the penalty provided by Section 308 for re-
fusing to comply with rules and regulations of the County
Commissioners as aforesaid.
312. The Board of Health of Baltimore County is hereby
authorized and empowered to make regulations governing the
location and conduct of pig pens and hog pens in the county.
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep a hog pen or pig*
pen within fifty feet of any well, spring, pond, lake, river or
stream, the water of which may be used for drinking or cook-
ing purposes, or in violation of the aforesaid regulations in
Baltimore County, under a penalty of not less than Ten Dol-
lars, and the said County Health Officer shall immediately
remove the same.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted 'by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Section 313 of Article 3 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Balti-
more County", sub-title "Health and Sanitation", be and the
same is hereby repealed and a new section enacted in lieu
thereof to be known as Section 313 and to read as follows:
313. No person shall throw, draw out or deposit any dead
carcass or parts thereof, dead fish, offal of any kind, garbage
or any excrement or filth from vaults or privies into, on or
upon any highway, by-way or alley, lot or tract of land in
Baltimore County except upon a permit issued by the County
Health Officer, nor shall any person permit the same to be